There’s a golden beach with a massif looming to the west, at the end of a dirt road in Sonabia, halfway between Bilbao and Santander. The beaches along the coast of Cantabria, Spain are so clean!

We watched some young guys going up a trail and we thought we’d try it. We got up as high as where the rock massif shoots up out of the green, and I said thus far and no further. I wasn’t wearing proper hiking shoes because we hadn’t expected to do much more than visit the beach.

We went WAY high up! The trail was a bit of a goat track and we got up there by not looking backwards, just watching our steps and moving forward.
What Were They Doing?

They were still marching back & forth when we got back. I said, “Bill, why don’t you ask one of them why they are doing that?”
He said he wasn’t about to interrogate a naked man…